Hi, I’m Thomson
Product Designer
& Researcher
working to keep discovering
how might we do better?
Selected Work
What they say about me…
I have worked with Thomson for around two years at Hopscotch, and he had a powerful impact on the organization with the work he executed across our customer and non-customer facing products. Traits that help him stand out as a design professional.
1. Always gave the highest priority to identify a problem at a fundamental level by practising contextual enquiries and interviews with the relevant users.
2. Data lover! He deep dives and collates the right inferences from both qualitative and quantitative data points.
3. Had the upper hand in end-execution as he is well versed with front-end coding. He would ensure time well spent in design sees the light of day.
I wish him all the best on his future endeavours. Thomson gets my full recommendation.
– R V Krishna, Product Design Lead at Hopscotch
Thomson had that rare trait of delivering projects on time , something that I struggled with some other developers. His suggestions/ideas gives you a confidence that your project has been handed over to a professional who understands your business, target audience and where you wish to be. Partnering with Thomson for our website development was very smooth , no reminders and performance delivered. Best wishes.
– Bijitha Thomas, CEO at Elevature Training
Elsewhere on the internet

On Medium.com, I write full case studies and articles for other publications. Mostly long form essays, critiques and musings.

On LinkedIn, I write about my reflections and learning as a professional and provide actionable tips and strategies.

On twitter, I let myself loose, express personal opinions and funny bits with peers, colleagues and friends.